Monday, February 21, 2011

never / ever / never

competition is very tough, unlike 4 years ago..sigh.
may Allah bless me with my new path, and a new vow,
and would never ever never sulked in that corner again, insyaallah.



Macam tgh bersedih je?? nape?? But don't worry.. i will always pray for you.. hope kak eli will get a better life day by day.. so do i :)

kak eli tau tak.. mej ardi dapat posting sabah.. tapi tak taulah kak erma ikut terus atau stay dulu kat sini.. dia pi bulan 4 ni..

manishatisyaza said...

hum,actually bkn sedih, tp mcm 'struggle'..but its ok, Allah kan ada utk kita.Insyaallah everything will be right in order ;)

Liza cane? lum due lg kn?tp sarat dah rasanya.

arrrrrrr????aiyo2222, kak erma nk ke sabah? she will definitely try to transfer, mcm kite arr takkan nk dok jauh2 kan.

hum...canne bakat kite ? ok deary?