Friday, December 17, 2010

naik buai

above picture was taken on 12 dec 2010.
both at age 3 year 6 days and 1 year 5 months.
both were tied to the swing because tokki's cronic idea,scared of cucus falling down.
both have no idea that we'll be coming back to island,no buai.
hope both is going to be fine,and jangan eksyen with ibu.
And ibu do not be too soapy,drama queen with her ibu.okeyy?
(sob sob)

1 comment:

kak yuyu said...

heheheeee....kena ikat yg tak tahan cute!...Cakap kat tokki, nanti attachkan seat belt sekali...heheeee..

Jgn lupa baca & link kan apa yg k yuyu tulis hr ni yaa...semoga kita semua dilindungiNya, dunia akhirat.

See you Elly!