Today aydan turn T.W.O already. You’re growing up so fast. It does notseem like any time since aydan were just a thought...a wish (Thank youAllah for you).
From the moment of 3rd June 2005(the day ayah and Ibu married), we always knew we wanted you. Your namewas chosen once Ibu were confirmed carrying you. AYDAN...strong,intelligent and manly. Just the thought of you carried heaven to ourlife. Even it took years, but finally we were blessed by Allah andfound ourselves waiting your entrance to the world.
Youmust have been excited to welcome Ibu and ayah so soon, because aydandecided to turn up 3 weeks in advance than science and nature intended.It was a fearsome moment for Ibu. You were so tiny, so fragile! Webrought all 2.5 kilos of you home with us 3 days after you were born.And ever since, we're in awe at your strength.
You have grown into a strong boy at two, worthy of the name chosen for you!Smart, cheeky, dedicated, kind, sensitive...All the things Ibu ever wished and hoped you would become. Ibu could not ask for, or be more proud of, the first son you are today and the boy you will become.
Explore and learn sayang, Ibu sayang you very much Aydan!

Happy birthday my handsome giggly baby boy (uhh, not so baby some more)
This is your year, Double 0 Ten, to read and tell
Loves, Hugs and kisses,
Ibu & Ayah 6 Dec 09

:: membesarlah dengan penuh kasih sayang, harapan dan doa ibu ::
happy birthday sayangggg!!
mommey nak cakap sori for not being able to call you on the day you turned 2! semoga membesar dengan sihat dan menjadi anak yang soleh..
love love love! muacks!
tq mommey.
mommey call pun dh enuff already.
tapi ibu yg over,nak emo bagai hehe.
cepatnya budak2 tu membesar kan?
no wonder uztazah smp 10 LOL.
cos every time nk ada baby kot.
haa.. emo emo ni ada lagi ka apa?
oittt! komen tak hengat ek!!
i tunggu u ;)
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