sambung citer.......................................................................
aydan = average 5 disposable diapers p/day x rm1 x 745 days
aisyah = average 7 disposable diapers p/day x rm0.70 x 148 days
round figure four thousand five hundred RM already used? seriously memang tak pernah kira arini baru kira.

hanger depan aydan punya, belakang aisyah punya.
aydan punya modern cos budak ni lasak, senang pakai sebab sebijik cam disposable, aisyah punya traditonal pat segi besar cos baby lagi, takdela payah nk pakaikan lampin plus plastik liner plus nappy liner bebagai.

tedious work that i not so enjoy last time, now ok la..
1st step : every soil cd/lampin change time, i rinse bersih2 dulu, bebas bau dan kesan, perah2 gantung dulu kat hanger besar dalam toilet. syabas hanger ni dah la besar, tahan berat lagi.tahniah cash converter.
evry night : satu baldi 2 beradik soil cd/lampin kasik rendam lorr semua skali.macam mesin basuh lorr 8 hours soak mode.
evry mornin : sental2 perah2 5 kali baru jemur bawah matahari kalu hujan taruk bwh kipas.sure kering esok pakai le lagi.
blogger mums ramai yang bagi positif impact on these topic.baca punya baca macam betul plak apa dorang kata.
- reduce diaper rash sebab disposable become much hotter if soil, allow bacterial growth - not so true, but atleast it helps on constant trying on expesive diapers yang sesuai. (mind setting lagi mahal lagi bagus??). 2A is a bit sensitive, about 4 hours sure kena tukar, both heavy wetter.
- bila both crap (berak) not a rocket science cos we got nappy liner (crap stay, pee flow). sental hilang.nappy liner flush(tapi kena beli yang flushable kalu tak jadik kolam kang toilet tu). in my case i clean it, pastu buang aje la.
- CD soft, comfy, sebab diperbuat dari natural,chemical free very the absorbent fibers. walau cuaca panas,CD stay cool.ini betul cos aydan jarang keruk sana, keruk sini bila pakai lama sikit.
- potty training yang cepat sebab anak paham yang CD nya basah sure tak selesa berbanding disposable yang kering sentiasa. ini tatau lagi, tak de courage nak try kencing merata kang aydan gak yang i marahkan hehe.
- CD does not contain any harmful chemicals that disposabe are loaded with. ini agreed sangat2. since boleh elak chemical,i would like to be in one.at least we know...plus soiled disposables are many KILOS of fecal matter(crap/berak).Viruses found in the feces can harm our water supplies and wildlife by seeping through cracks that sometimes develop in landfills. yuck!! minum air diapers?? double yuckkss!!
- compare all above to the resources used to make and clean 3-5 dozen CD with no raw fecal matter. memang dispo tak leh celen washable.
- pakai buang (disposable diapers) tak biodegradable cam plastik tesco 3-4 bulan dah pandai reput sendiri. 500 tahun diperlukan untuk hancur. sampah lagi hidup lama dari manusia??
- penduduk Malaysia menyumbang sehingga 19,000 tan sampah setiap hari, 95% darinya menyelimuti tanah (tak hancur, tak boleh hancur)
- setahun sampah kalau dikumpulkan boleh cecah tinggi 36 kali tinggi Petronas Tower .
itu kapten pun sokong, jimattttt kata dia bleh beranak satu lagi?APA KES CD DGN ANAK BARU .....hanya dia yang paham.i memang tak paham.(buat tak paham pun ok gak heh).
kenapa i sanggup susah, modern cd mahal sekali beli RM50+ sekeping, tapi pikir masa depan, pikir saving gak sapa tak nak kan?lagi takut bila dengar pasal ni plak :
Your child will spend the first 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 years of his or her life in diapers. Disposable diapers are an easy way of diapering, but are the possible health hazards these diapers pose worth the simplicity? Look below at some studies that have been conducted and their scary results.
MALE INFERTILITY Disposable diapers could be the cause of the sharp rise in male infertility over the past 25 years. It is thought that disposable diapers heat up boys testicles to such a degree that it stop them from developing normal. (aku tak nakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!)
SODIUM POLYACRYLATE, which is linked to Toxic Shock Syndrome and can therefore no longer be used in tampons, is the super absorbent gel in disposable diapers. You can find the little "gel balls" on the skin of your baby's bottom. It is interesting to note that employees in factories manufacturing sodium polyacrylate suffer from female organ problems, slow healing wounds, fatigue and weight loss.
TBT (TRIBULYTIN) In May 2000 Greenpeace found TBT in Pampers� Baby Dry in Germany. TBT is one of the most toxic substances ever made. It harms the immune system and impairs the hormonal system. There is speculation that it could cause boys to become sterile.
DIOXIN Traces of the carcinogen Dioxin have been found in disposable diapers. Dioxin causes liver disease, immune system suppression and genetic damage. It is a byproduct of bleaching with chlorine gas and is banned in most countries. Unfortunately, the USA still allows it.
ASTHMA In 1998 a study showed that childhood respiratory problems, including asthma, might be linked to inhaling the mixture of chemicals emitted from disposable diapers.
URINE TRACK INFECTIONS IN BABY GIRLS also seem on the rise with an increased use of disposable diapers.
BABIES POORLY DEVELOPED OUTER SKIN LAYER ABSORBS ABOUT 48 CHEMICALS if you use disposable diapers & wipes and standard baby products. This can be greatly reduced by using cloth diapers and natural baby products.
i do not know the truth, but i believe it since mat saleh memang takde keje semua benda nak buat experiment/studies kan?

i am happy to crap

why u take picture i crap??
p/s : still have no guts to use it for outing. setakat pi tesco tu bleh la.tapi kalu ayah dorang balik sure berjalan tak hengat donia malam baru balik nak usung semua soil cd?belum mahu rasanya. itu yang tak best!
jelesnya sbb bole jimat duit..
syabbas inspektor sahab!
mari mari mari, but im not sure want though. mesti u kesiankan your mum.
wait seminit, blik kija leh buat marr :)
eventho aku ni hsewife jugak tapi lom terbukak hati nak mencoba sebabnya payah nak menjaga kesucian tempat2 yg patut dr poos n pees budak2 ni..(sebenarnya tahap kemalasan yg lebey =p)
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