Wednesday, September 17, 2008

oohhhh ahhhhhh of friendship dolly

Dua hari lalu, puan roxy meng-sms menyuruh buka email secepat mungkin (ape hal ntah, tapi dah sms tu gaya macam importanto saja!)
Bila dah dibuka email nya ........oooooo..ahhhhh..

Saya bukan orang yang kreatif, bila tengok benda2 yang memerlukan kekreatifan ni memang menTAKSUBKAN!
MEKACIH MEKACIH deary pn roxychicks untuk exclusive personalized gift saya inih.
LUV IT LUV IT.. itu blogger friendship dolly (se-perasan saya) macam saya.
Hidung kembang skit, baju merah feveret lengan panjang, ade jerawat kecil2an bekasan remaja dahulu, dan dolly lagi slim dari saya heheheh.

Cepat2 saya tampal di blog ini. Kembang betul ada orang prihatin pada saya. hahahahah

Berminat kah? jenguk ke (ohhhhhhh she's a kewll arty and you can order one for yourself!)

Saturday, September 6, 2008


Dearest Aydan,my lil angel busuk masyam super fine-hair cheeky cunning boy..
Since you turned 9 month today, Happy Happy dear darling!
U may not understand yet, but ibu am really super duper excited seeing you growing up 24/7 front of my eyes.

you makan with such a big appetite, sweet potato and pumpkin is your feveret.comot is your name bila makan, and ibu have to keep singing the whole time u eating (since my singing make him sit quietly and finish the whole bowl)

you tidur with such a grace, mulut nganga and tangan tu, tangan!! macam ade orang itu saja tidur.(without the hand gesture laa)

you main with such a spirit,dapat A buang B,dpt balik B,buang C (boring ibu asyik kutip2your toys around the house)

you gelak with such an innocent angel-like, 2 low,4 tops and another 2 is showing. but why you only bite me? whyyy? why not others too?so they can also share the 'love' huhuhu.

you smell with a scent of heaven, so best, so best and so best (specially your mouth)..but not when you uk uk, i want to vomit,biarla 9 bulan pun umurmu!

you mandi with such an attitude, nak berdiri although you not that strong yet.nak bebaring bila gosok gigi,nak menonggeng bila sabun...kes mahu kutip buih2 sabun.

you nangis with all out, top of the lung, shrieking siren-like to alert whole taman people. anything that is not up to your standard, you will scream but balik kampung you're the best! at your best others won't believe ibu.if only i remember to tape everytime you cry as a proof.

you stand tall, trying to avoid your bum bumming my head, while your head avoiding dinding, i know you can do it with s-t-y-l-e, but please be a little patience to try bertatih. you not even 1 yet!

busuk ibu, hope you still eat,sleep,play,laugh,smell,bath,stand like these forever, since ibu do not want this memories to be fade away..impossible aittt??? sob sob...

but can you change your shrieking siren-like? ibu also got temper to control u know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!