kakak (syakirah anak ayong): makngah, pakngah tak ade lilin nk blow ke?
me : err, pakngah dah tua nanti kek tu tak muat nak letak 30candlesss
kakak : abis tu dia nak tiup ape?
me : ala, nanti kite kasik pakngah tiup belon for all of you!
kakak : tapi belon tak ada, mak tak beli sebab pakngah dah besar mesti tak suka tiup belon
aduh budak skang, lagi ku jawap lagi dia tanya.
me : kakak jom amik gambar, jom!
uishh,ajak amik gambar trus laju tak tanya apa.hehe, selamat aku nak menjawap soalan2 bernas. Budak2 skang ni bak kata pn roxychicks terlebih DHA!
Hubby happy birthday to you. May Allah bless your life and showered you with goodness that the world and akhirat could offer. Wish you the happiness in life and good and halal wealth.I love you, with heart & soul. This JULY is yours, everyday is your birthday.(hope you like it, im your wife, so sukahati me nak declare everyday is your day :)
MY JULY DARLING :fun to be with,secretive,difficult to fathom and to be understood,quiet unless excited or tensed,takes pride in 1self,has reputation,easily consoled,honest,concern about people's feeling,tactful,friendly,approachable,very emotional,temperamental and unpredictable,moody and easily hurt,witty and sparky,sentimental,not revengeful,forgiving but never forgets,dislike nonsensical and unnecessary things,guides others physically and mentally,sensitive and forms impressions carefully,caring and loving,treats others equally,strong sense of sympathy,wary and sharp,judge people through observations,hardworking,no difficulties in studying,loves to be alone,always brood about the past and the old friends,likes to be quiet,homely person,waits for friends,never look for friends,not aggressive unless provoked,prone to having stomach and dieting problems,loves to be loved,easily hurt but takes long to recover,overly concerned,puts in effort in work
Long become short - You are friendly, humorous and full of energy. You are open-minded and do not care for minor details. Your weak point is your hot temper.
It's maybe another birthday for you,that you plan to pass in pleasure,but to me it means another chance,to love you more to love you greater..happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to hubby, happy birthday to you!
p/s : It's your birth month. Spend it as uniquely as you are yourself!!hopes this make your special day more so! muuuuahhhhsssssssss xoxo.

assalamualaikum wbt
lama betul saya xdgr kabar tuan & family. sory kak, saya tumpang blog nk sampaikan perkhabaran pada tuan syaffik.
xtau cmana leh terdetik tup2
arini saya taip nama dia dlm search.
comel yea aydan tuh..
saya ada dgr drp kurb tuan pindah ke kementah. skang t'ganu..
well saya masih igt kiaorg sambut b'day tuan kat markas di parit raja.
setahun saya jadi seorg guru, baru tau why why and why tuan buat mcm2 dulu kat kitaorg.
terutama yg paling tak lupa kat uitm...tauliah dan sebelum tauliah...hehehehe
thank a lot.byk ilmu berguna
saya masih lagi berdua...
9 bulan kawin. lum ada rezeki.
...........seronok baca blog akak.
sambil2 jaga budak exam bulanan nih.
saya sentiasa doakan semua j/latih2 dan keluarga semoga dirahmati Allah selalu.kim salam aydan yea kak.
Lt.M Mohd Azri Mohd Zahari
(Parit Raja 06-08 in memory)
gambar tuan yg pakai 1 dress di atas la yg
paling saya tak takut tgk.
Tabik tuan Kapitan, How are you doing? glad to see that you are happily married with 2 lovely kids. Hope that we can catch up soon.
Haniff Mutasha Radman
SMGR 1990-1995
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