Thursday, July 17, 2008

hari mengukus

Baru 2 hari lepas tengok pn diyaluna merebus bubur untuk iki yang membesar sihat bagai johan. bagus tul cik puan itu sungguh rajin walaupun sibuk membanting tulang di depan pc opis :)

Semalam turn saya buka freezer.GULP! junior's food tinggal 1 mangkuk epal sahaja dan sedikit tomato. ALA!!! turn saya pulak nak kena mengukus. Last night, buat muka kesian minta hubby bawa ke Carrefour BP. Nasib sanggup, buatnya dia loyar buruk nape last minute baru check, saya dah ada jawapan.err.sibuk tengok dvd (been watching 1 box of FRIENDS complete season of 10 years!I guess la..from the old plait skirt and high turtleneck to heterosexual image and more alluring hair style. Best tul tak pakai tudung bleh buat rambut cenggini cenggitu.berangan color rambut,curl,ehh, dah lari topik??)
muka boring ibu layan sayur than him

tengah sibuk2 pilih sayur, ada akak ikan (yang department potong-potong ikan) approach.
akak ikan : ala comeii nye anak kamu ni, laki ke pompuan?
saya : (dengan menyengih), laki kak.
ai : macam anak patung orang putih kepala botak..yang pertama ke?
saya : baru satu kak.(tapi rasa macam panas aje, nak muji ke nak ngata anak aku botak ni??)
ai : kalu gitu pasni branak ramai..sembilan ke!akak ada 10
saya : (sengih) satu ni pun saya rasa macam sepuluh.
ai : kamu ni! biar ramai, nanti dah besor dia tinggalnye kamu
saya : Insyaallah kak.

Dan hubby pun panggil. Saya pun beredar after say bye-bye to akak ikan.Dalam Q nak bayar, terpikir:
1. Boleh ke aku beranak sampai 9? Boleh ke aku jaga? Cukup ke nak bagi makan pakai belajar?
2. Nape rambut aydan ni tumbuh malu-malu gitu. Asyik orang dok komen aje.
3. Ke dok 'terkenan' patung mat saleh PPUM masa pi antenatal class?
4. Apesal anak aku ni pi mana-mana mesti orang dok puja-puji? Allah nak duga aku ke sebab everytime orang tegur mesti rasa bangga satu macam.
5. Betul ke nanti anak aku besor nanti tinggalkan aku? Uwaaaaa....Realiti sungguh!

Sedar2 dah kat kereta, hubby suruh angkat junior masuk keta. Tak puas ati tul dengan akak tu, sebab me'remind' kan saya realiti kehidupan.Anak tu baru 7 bulan!!Lain kali pikirla pasal ni.So sekarang, hari ini, saya pun sibuk ngukus his favourites. Sambil tu pen-in this entry sebab junior tidur.Adakentang,brokoli,tomato,carrot,labu,epal,pear! Banyaknya stok! I prefer to do it in bulk, blender, simpan dalam freezer. That way, jimat masa(boleh tengok dvd lagi :)He likes to eat homemade food. Satu mangkuk penuh pun abis. Ingat nak buat macam pn diyaluna, tapi faktor M! sebab itu nak kena buat cikit2. Ni nak tabik spring kat dia, busy pun sanggup buat. Toing toing!sibuk nak amik gambar gak

While ibu sibuk, aydan in his buai-land. Dah sebulan tak nak tidur buai, hari ni mood dia ok plak. Cam bodekk je tahu ibu preparing your food ek?

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

welcome JULY and birthday month for him

He has(FINALLY)reached the number of three zero. im so proud of u la hubby. err, when you are 40, junior baru 10, you are 50, junior baru 20. Are you ready?
KAPTEN MOHAMMAD SYAFFIK YAHAYA - 13 years he never had a chance to celebrate with his family. Sengaja kali ini ambil cuti untuk diluangkan hari bersejarah dengan kluarga kami di Ipoh. We were there for 1 week since last balik when im 7 month pregnant. my MIL sampai demam woo tak jumpa tak jumpa anak dia.To his surprise, ayong(my SIL) bought a strawberry cake for him. Yang ada pun cuma anak2 ayong, mak, abah, me & aydan. Such a small celebration for a big man!! shian dia...alala cayang bucuk darling. What matter is we're here for you! Malu-malu plak dia potong kek. Ala cik abang, sapapun tahu, camera pun tak charge tak ade bukti pun potong kek :)

kakak (syakirah anak ayong): makngah, pakngah tak ade lilin nk blow ke?
me : err, pakngah dah tua nanti kek tu tak muat nak letak 30candlesss
kakak : abis tu dia nak tiup ape?
me : ala, nanti kite kasik pakngah tiup belon for all of you!
kakak : tapi belon tak ada, mak tak beli sebab pakngah dah besar mesti tak suka tiup belon

aduh budak skang, lagi ku jawap lagi dia tanya.

me : kakak jom amik gambar, jom!

uishh,ajak amik gambar trus laju tak tanya apa.hehe, selamat aku nak menjawap soalan2 bernas. Budak2 skang ni bak kata pn roxychicks terlebih DHA!

Hubby happy birthday to you. May Allah bless your life and showered you with goodness that the world and akhirat could offer. Wish you the happiness in life and good and halal wealth.I love you, with heart & soul. This JULY is yours, everyday is your birthday.(hope you like it, im your wife, so sukahati me nak declare everyday is your day :)

MY JULY DARLING :fun to be with,secretive,difficult to fathom and to be understood,quiet unless excited or tensed,takes pride in 1self,has reputation,easily consoled,honest,concern about people's feeling,tactful,friendly,approachable,very emotional,temperamental and unpredictable,moody and easily hurt,witty and sparky,sentimental,not revengeful,forgiving but never forgets,dislike nonsensical and unnecessary things,guides others physically and mentally,sensitive and forms impressions carefully,caring and loving,treats others equally,strong sense of sympathy,wary and sharp,judge people through observations,hardworking,no difficulties in studying,loves to be alone,always brood about the past and the old friends,likes to be quiet,homely person,waits for friends,never look for friends,not aggressive unless provoked,prone to having stomach and dieting problems,loves to be loved,easily hurt but takes long to recover,overly concerned,puts in effort in work

Long become short - You are friendly, humorous and full of energy. You are open-minded and do not care for minor details. Your weak point is your hot temper.

It's maybe another birthday for you,that you plan to pass in pleasure,but to me it means another chance,to love you more to love you greater..happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to hubby, happy birthday to you!

p/s : It's your birth month. Spend it as uniquely as you are yourself!!hopes this make your special day more so! muuuuahhhhsssssssss xoxo.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

from 2.58 to 6.50 on his 7 month

In a blink, Ahmad Aydan Syaza is turning 7 month in 3 days. Cepatnya anak ibu membesar,depan mata 24 jam / 7 days non stop! Starting from 2.58 kg to 6.5 kg (he's hard to put on weight, this worries me huhu). Seeing you growing to be seriously cute pre-todds, better ibu 'pen in' some of your favorites and masters:
* you discover how to crawl 2 days ago..Congrats!- on bed much faster even ibu will shriek!BAHAYA2!
* you started to jump when ayah balik kerja with 'yah..yah..ahhh'(perasan mcm sebut ayah aje)
* you turn your head speedily when ibu/ayah call
* your milk time turning into fun time, baru 2-3 minit dah senyum senyum tak nak
* you can sit in baby's chair with help of bantal (see how small you are)
* you hide you leg when stepping into walker (pandai macam nak main nyorok-nyorok kaki, lepas tu gelak sendiri)
* you can smile widely when ibu show pictures of us
* you want more time with ayah, you want to be hold by him, even sleep hugging ayah
* you very 'gelojoh' when you see ibu preparing for food
* you can fall back asleep without any help from boobie
* you will 'tepuk' bahu ibu when you want milk (lovely signal, ibu like it!)
* you will pull your ears & bite your fingers when we pay no attention to
* you also want to eat while we eat
* you open your mouth so big every time handphone is ringing* you like to 'tepuk' meja noisily to draw others attention (kes dine out)
* you love it when ibu kiss your mouth
* you like to eat veges, be it brocolli, carrot, spinach....listing goes on and on
* you like to pinch ayah on the neck, ibu on the boobie(sakit tau anak!)
* you sometimes gaze at ibu for few second without blinking (what are you thinking ibu would like to know)
* you know how to be cheeky when ibu's temper flying up!* you don't like your 'hingus' to be wipe off, u love it flowing freely into your mouth(eeisshhhh!!gulp!!)

Jadi.. anak,membesarlah dengan penuh kasih sayang kerana 7 tahun pertama adalah masa untuk kita bergurau. 7 tahun seterusnya adalah masa untuk ibu mengajar erti kehidupan dan 7 tahun seterusnya selepas itu terpulang padamu atas didikan ibu dan ayah. Semoga menjadi anak yang soleh, pembimbing, penyabar,berilmu, beramal,murah rezeki dan bertanggungjawab. Ceriakanlah hidup kami permata hati sayang ayahibu. With your presence, our life is becoming half complete!(half lagi kena paham sendiri)

Bila besar, dah pandai baca boleh baca blog ibu. tapi jangan la marah ibu cerita pasal you!
You still macho even ingus meleleh ;p

and hari ini dalam sejarah, aydan jatuh katil..alalalala anak ayahibu ni kesian.ayah kata anak laki strong! err, jangan tanya macammana dia bleh jatuh!