Monday, April 14, 2008

him being the proud ayah


Never come across my mind that after 7 years of courtship(cintan maut gue and dier @uitm),2 years of marriage baru dpt la si kenit junior.Dah 4 bulan,both keep me very very busy.Luckily senior is not around that much,maklum..perwira negara kan.
Peeps around me, sibuk kata he look alike ayah dia.ku tenung-tenung balik,yela!!especially mata yang bulat,besar dan jarang blink blink.Read somewhere that jenis ini suka memimpin.(ala junior pun nak jadi perwira neg ke?)

The day junior was born,him being the proud ayah is the moment that i never ever forget.dia punya sengeh sampai ke telinga!

For senior & junior,i love you both so much sl.Semoga Allah s.w.t. melindungi dan memberkati kehidupan kita.

1 comment:

roxychick said...

welkam. welkam.

napa naga merah putih ha? main naga segala.. takot la..

jgn lacking eh.. (mcm la aku tak lacking..)
