We started small at our lil SMSJ, we put thru a good result for SPM. We did part-time job at the same mall, We even headed for same university (lain branch aje).Pesal we did get married same day aje kan?We still contact each other, occasional small gathering, brunch, lunch date.
Still remember we have our own ‘buku conteng’? sebuah buku yang digunakan sepenuhnya utk melakarkan coretan hati, keinginan diri, dan cita2?(mana pi buku tu weii?).
Macam budak-budak yang berlagak dewasa aje that time.
But I do not wish that we can turn back time, since we are now able to bide our sorrows and gulp our dilemmas.Apapun, macam manapun,nothing has changed, except we all married.(err, and the pic speak itself hihi)

Thank you for being my true friend for the past 17 years, and more years to come.May Allah s.w.t. bless both of you, in health & good being.

She is Sharifah Muharra Diba & She is Intan Zulaikha
This is for you,
the one person I can let know my soul
Who can relate to me like no other
Who I can laugh with to no extents,
Who I can weep too when times are rough,
Who can help me with the troubles of my life.
Never have you turned your back on me
or told me I wasn’t good enough
or let me down
I don't think you know what that means to me
And I love you for listening
I look up too you because you are strong,
and thoughtful and beautiful.
And I hope you know that I am for all time here
To listen to your laugh and cry and lend a hand
In all the ways that I can
And I will try to be at least half the friend you are
I hope you know I would not be the person I am today, with out you.